Saturday, May 28, 2016

Authentic Assessment

Is authentic assessment possible in every subject area?
      Yes, I believe that authentic assessment is possible in every subject area.  However, the key to authentic assessment is that the teacher and students MUST care about the curriculum.  I do not think that every lesson that is taught can have an authentic assessment attached to it.  The teacher needs to pick and choose when to use authentic assessment.

Can all grade levels demonstrate mastery?

     Yes, all grade levels can demonstrate mastery  through authentic assessment.  In the lower elementary grades, the students can make a poster or perform a skit.  This will show that the students understand and retained the lesson that was taught.  In the upper grades, the students can perform a skit, do experiments, journaling, or produce a video.  This will show that they learned the material.

Is it practical for teachers to complete these types of assessments in the high stakes testing environment?
     Absolutely!!!  Students need feedback outside of high stakes/standardized testing!!  As a teacher, we need to supply our students with lower stakes assessments.  These assessments provide our students with the ability to be creative and use resources not available with high stakes testing.  When students are giving the opportunity to own their learning and use different methods of expressing what they have learned, they will be more engaged.

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