Monday, June 6, 2016

Daniel Pink's Video


Daniel Pink's Video
   I thought this video was interesting! I thought it was interesting that the higher the incentive the worse the performance. I know this was meant for a business model, but I could really relate what he was saying to the classroom. 
   It really made me think about how we offer rewards in the classroom.  I have personally worked with a few students that rewards worked for a short time, then the student did not care about the rewards anymore.    
   In a classroom that I subbed in, had one student that rewards did not work well.  The student did not respond to any type of reward that was offered. This child simply did not care.  Even taking away privileges did not work most of the time. It is very hard to work with a student that just does not care.  I spoke with the teacher and she told me that she had tried everything she could think of.  This student was just very, very smart and knew it.  So this student did not feel the need to complete or attempt the work.

   I think it would be interested to implement an opportunity for students to have time to research a topic that interests them, that may not be taught in their classroom. If the students are only told to decide on a topic to research then come up with a way to present what they have learned. I wonder what their learning would look and sound like.  What type of project would they present?  
   I found the building blocks to be interesting.  The building block in David Pink's video are:
  • Autonomy - the urge to direct our own lives.
  • Mastery - the desire to get better at something that matters.
  • Purpose - the yearning to do what we do in the service of something larger than ourselves.
  What would a classroom look like if we, as teachers, added these building blocks to our lessons?

  I wonder if the students would be more eager to learn.  I think if our students had the urge, desire, and yearning to learn, our jobs would be so much easier.  If a teacher can find a way to spark those three things in his/her students then what students can learn is limitless.

-Daniel Pink's The Puzzle of Motivation

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