Thursday, June 2, 2016

Digital Footprint

What role can we as teachers have in making sure that our students have a positive footprint?

I think that we need to start teaching students the proper way to use the internet from a very early age. I believe that students need to begin learning "online behavior" in kindergarten.  In kindergarten, students begin learning about digital footprints.  Basically just teaching them that everything they do on the internet can be traced back to them.  We do not want to scare them, but they need to understand that what they put on the internet is there for the rest of their lives. 

I do not think that we need to have a long list of "internet safety rules."  However, the students need to know what is expected of them.  Each year after kindergarten, we need to build on their understanding of a digital footprint.  

Once they are in the middle elementary grades, then we need to begin teaching about online honesty and internet etiquette.  Online honesty, basically refers to not cheating on online tests and doing their own work.  Internet etiquette is "treat others the way you want to be treated." (Persian Royalty)  The older the students get, the more likely they are to have some sort of social networking site.  And the Golden Rule, that we teach our students/children applies to the social networks too!  

What does my digital footprint look like?

Well, my digital footprint is almost nonexistent.  I researched myself and found that I have a Facebook and a Pinterest account.  I think that to keep my footprint positive, I will remain on the path I have been following, when it comes to using social networks.  I use the rule, that if I am not comfortable saying to or in front of my parents and/or my children, then it does not go on my social network site.  


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