Monday, June 6, 2016

Reflecting on my learning!

What have I learned from taking this course?

I have learned A LOT!  I realized pretty early on in module 1, that I was NOT as technology savvy as I thought I was.   As I went through each module, reading and reflecting, I began to understand more of what is expected in an online learning classroom.  I, also, learned that: YES, my 8 year old,  knew MORE than I did about this technology "stuff."  OUCH!!!  I thought that I was doing good, by knowing how to use the projectors, computers, and the Mobi (thing) in the classrooms, I have subbed in.  When I sub for a teacher that I know, I would ask them, "Have you ever heard of or use...?"  Most of the teachers I asked, would say yes and that they used this or that almost every day!  Wait...WHAT???!!!  Almost EVERY day??!!!!  Yikes!  Boy, oh boy, am I glad I am taking this course!!!

Quotes from the readings that made me think:
  1. "The role of the teacher is changing."     ---Yikes!!!
  2. "Other digital innovations are simply tools that allow teachers to do the same age-old practices but in digital format." (Micheal Fullan)      ---Okay, I already do this!  I use the computer, and a projector. (I hope a projector counts?!)
  3. "A constant digital presence can actually work against many of the things we want in our students: focus, reflection, critical thinking, and contemplation." (Tiffany Ford)          ---Yes, YES...a constant digital presence can sometime negatively impact a students learning.  I see this in my children sometimes!  
  4. "You can't motivate studnets with technology because technology alone isn't motivating."   (Bill Ferriter)     --- I agree with this...because I sometimes am NOT motiviated by technology, it is more like annoyed!  So I need to make the technology that is available, appealing!
  5. "Online assessment is an invaluable, timesaving technology tool."  (Lorrie Jackson)     ---I can see online assessment beign a time saver in upper grades, I am not sure if it would be in lower grades.  (Something to look into.)
  6. "The pearl of wisdom here is that if a learner's working memory in full, the excess information will just drop out-as in disappear.  (Connie Malamed)     ---Alright!  So this explains why students forget things??!!  No not really...Not sure I am a true believer of this quote!
  7. The "internet etiquette is based on the Golden Rule."     ---The Golden Rule applies everywhere!!


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